I currently live and work in Uppsala, Sweden.

My research

I’m currently working at the Swedish Biodiversity Centre with Dr Jan Plue. We are asking how genomic traits of species may influence their ability to cope with environmental changes.

I learned some yeast genetics during my PhD which I employed in a project on selfish genetic elements in plant pathogenic fungi. Dr Aaron Vogan found these genes based on their homology to meiotic drive elements. What role do these meiotic drive-look a likes play in species that very rarely do meiosis? How and why are multiple copies of these genes maintained in fungal populations?

During my PhD I designed and conducted evolutionary experiments with budding yeast. Using selection experiments in this putatively robust and flexible model organism, my research is aimed at proving mating systems and their consequences. I focus on connecting evolutionary theory with laboratory experiments. Hence, I have tried to show what I know in theory should work. I tried, for example, to select for increased recombination rates between selective markers, select for increased frequency of sex, observe evolutionary rescue, explain fitness differences by protein changes, and assess fitness effects of mutations when they occur in haploid, heterozygous, or homozygous diploid form.


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☀️ My privilege is bigger than the sun ☀️

Dr Aaron Vogan blew my mind when he introduced me to the concept of accessory chromosomes, parasexuality, and horizontal transfer of giant transposable elements (Starships) among fungi. He has shown me how to be brave with your science and explore uncharted waters.

I’m a proud graduate of Dr Sally Otto. Being mentored by her is one of my greatest achievements and fortunes. She has taught me humility and compassion.

What I know about experimental design I learned from Dr Nathaniel Sharp. He has taught me persistence, and persistence.

Discussing science with Dr Ophélie Ronce always leaves me inspired. She has taught me how to make quantitative genetic models involving stage structure. She inspires me to be generous and genuine.

Thanks to Dr Gil Henriques for helping me set up this website.